You need to be prepared for an
air conditioning installation on the Sunshine Coast, whether it’s in your home or a commercial property. Here at Davies Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, we are experts in the installation, repair, and maintenance of commercial air conditioning and there are a few things you can do to be fully prepared for your upcoming installation. Keep reading to find out what they are.
One of the most important things you can do before your installation is to make sure you have the right size for your property. If it’s too small, it won’t adequately cool the entire space, but you don’t want to pay to run one that’s too large either. The right size is important and if you aren’t sure you’re choosing it, let us help you determine which air conditioner best suits your commercial needs.
Knowing what to expect when you’re having an air conditioner installed means you’ll be fully prepared when the big day arrives. You want to know how long it will take from start to finish. If you don’t currently have an air conditioner, schedule installation before summer arrives so that your staff won’t have to work in hot conditions until the system is ready to be used.
Your air conditioner will need some space to be so it’s important to get that space prepared before our experts arrive to do the installation. Make sure we have clear access to the places where the various components are going to be so that we can be more efficient with the job. If there are outdoor parts of the system being installed, be sure the area is clear of dirt, debris, and other waste so that we won’t have to waste time clearing space.
Your air conditioner isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t know how to operate it. Make sure you understand the installation process, but it’s also a good idea to get a tutorial on how to run it. That includes how to turn it on and off, how to adjust the thermostat and what to do if you run into any problem with the system. Our technicians are prepared to give you instructions on how to work your new air conditioner so that you are fully prepared to use it.
Are you interested in learning more about commercial air conditioning installation on the Sunshine Coast? Call Davies Refrigeration and Air Conditioning for all the help you need. Contact us online or call us on 04 1284 6854.
For more information on air conditioning and refrigeration, read our previous blog:
Our Sunshine Coast Air Conditioning Installation Tips.
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